Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent & Equipment Manager Educational Scholarship
Open only to class A, B, C & EM members
Application Deadline: May 15, 2025
Return completed application to:
P.O. Box 150425
Ogden UT 84415
Attention: Scholarship Committee
UGCSA Sup., Asst. Sup., EM Educational Scholarship
Application Information
This UGCSA scholarship is to aide current Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents and/or Equipment Managers with offsetting the costs of higher education.
The applications will be judged by a panel of judges who are NOT affiliated with the UGCSA. All judging decisions will be final. All applicants will be notified by mail of their status by June 30 of the application year. Two (2) $1,000.00 scholarships will be awarded, and the check will be made payable to the applicant.
Note: Two (2) $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in the “superintendent/assistant” category and two (2) $1,000 will be awarded in the “all members/family members” category. If there are not enough applicants in one category, award money can be awarded to the other category.
Criteria for Selection:
How to Apply:
Applicants must complete and submit the entire application and supply all of the following under one cover page:
All packets must be postmarked by May 15, 2025.
UGCSA Sup., Asst. Sup., EM Educational Scholarship
(Please complete all information. Attach additional pages if necessary.)
Section 1:
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: (______)__________________________ School Phone: (______)________________________
E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Section 2 – Member Information:
UGCSA Member Number: ______________________ Member Classification: _______________________
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Section 3:
List in chronological order high school, colleges, or trade schools you have attended.
Name of School |
Date From |
Date To |
Graduation Date |
Have you already been accepted to a post-secondary or trade school? No Yes
Which school? _____________________________________________________________________________________________
What will be your major/career path? __________________________________________________________________
Section 3 continued:
List any awards or honors you have received in school or during your career:
List any activities you participated in during school or during your career:
List any volunteer work (Board of Directors, Greens Committee, etc.):
List any employment you have held in the past five years:
Title |
Employer |
Job Duties |
Employment Dates |
Other items you wish the scholarship committee to consider:
Section 4 – Essay:
Attach a typed essay on one of the following topics: Minimum 500 words.
Educational Scholarship
Open to all current members of the UGCSA and their immediate family
Application Deadline: May 15, 2025
Return completed application to:
P.O. Box 150425
Ogden, UT 84415
Attention: Scholarship Committee
UGCSA Educational Scholarship
Application Information
This UGCSA scholarship is to aide a current member or their immediate family member with offsetting the costs of higher education.
The applications will be judged by a panel of judges who are NOT affiliated with the UGCSA. All judging decisions will be final. All applicants will be notified by mail of their status by June 30 of the application year. Two (2) $1,000.00 scholarships will be awarded, and the check will be made payable to the applicant.
Note: Two (2) $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in the “superintendent/assistant” category and two (2) $1,000 will be awarded in the “all members/family members” category. If there are not enough applicants in one category, award money can be awarded to the other category.
Criteria for Selection:
How to Apply:
Applicants must complete and the entire application and supply all the following under one cover page:
All packets must be postmarked by May 15, 2025.
UGCSA Educational Scholarship
(Please complete all information. Attach additional pages if necessary.)
Section 1:
Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Permanent Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: (______)__________________________ School Phone: (______)______________________
E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Section 2 – Member Relative Information: (If you are a current UGCSA member applying for this scholarship leave blank.)
Name of Member: ______________________________ UGCSA Member Number: ______________________
Relationship to Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________
Member’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Section 3:
List in chronological order high school, colleges, or trade schools you have attended.
Name of School |
Date From |
Date To |
Graduation Date |
Have you already been accepted to a post-secondary or trade school? No Yes
Which school? _____________________________________________________________________________________________
What will be your major/career path? __________________________________________________________________
Section 3 continued:
List any awards or honors you have received in school or during your career:
List any activities you participated in during school or during your career:
List any volunteer work:
List any employment you have held in the past five years:
Title |
Employer |
Job Duties |
Employment Dates |
Other items you wish the scholarship committee to consider:
Section 4 – Essay:
Attach a typed essay on one of the following topics: Minimum 500 words.